Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Theme: ‘Homecoming Reunion & Strengthening the Future Plan’


  1. Mengeratkan semula hubungan sesama ahli.
  2. Menstrukturkan semula organisasi batch.
  3. Merancang program reunion yang seterusnya.

Tempat: Seratas

Masa: Jumaat – Ahad+Isnin

Tarikh: Akan dibincangkan (Mungkin dalam bulan MEI)

Hari/ Masa





  • Malam

-Ketibaan ahli & daftar masuk bilik.

Seratas-Bilik Sakit Aspura & Aspuri










8.00mlm- 11.00mlm

Solat Subuh & Tazkirah


Ice Breaking’, sukaneka & BBQ

Makan Tengahari

Solat Zohor

Mesyuarat Tahunan Batch

Perlawanan Persahabatan dengan pelajar T5

Solat Magrib

Makan Malam Tahunan


Dewan Makan

Padang Sekolah


Dewan Kuliah

Padang Sekolah


Hotel Legend Inn/ Taiping Golf Resort/ Hotel Seri Malaysia

Bola Sepak & Basketball












Sesi bersama pelajar tingakatan 5- Jejak Universiti

‘Sharing the Moment’ & Sesi fotografi

Makan Tgh/hr

Solat Zohor

Salam Perpisahan

Sesi Bersama Pemimpin Pelajar


Dewan Makan

Dewan Kuliah/

Dewan Besar

Dewan Kuliah & sekitar kawasan sekolah.



Perkarangan Aspura/Aspuri

Dewan Kuliah

Program seperti Career Talk’



Sambutan Hari Guru Sekolah

Dewan Besar


Jangkaan Kos (seorang)

Sarapan : 2 kali X RM 2.00 = RM 04.00

Makan Tgh/hr: 2 kali X RM 4.00 = RM 08.00

Makan Malam: 1 kali X RM 20.00(max) = RM 20.00


BBQ : = RM 02.00

Barang-barang lain: = RM 02.00

Jumlah: =RM 36.00

Ini adalah cadangan daripada aku, jadi aku nak korang komen dan bagi cadangan- cadangan korang yang bernas tu, termasuklah tarikh reunion kali ni. Kalau boleh secepat mungkin sebab aku nak kena berurusan dengan pihak sekolah lagi. Harapan aku, ramai akan datang reunion ini, harap-harap lebih daripada 60 orang. Penting reunion kali ini, sebab kita boleh rancang betul- betul program reunion seterusnya dan paling penting buat balik struktur organisasi batch yang mantap. Insyallah, kita akan rancang betul-betul secara serius. Nanti takde lah yang buat kerja sorang-sorang, macam Mazuan kena buat, kesian kat Mazuan-terima kasih Mazuan! Lepas tu, bila dah ada organisasi batch yang mantap, baru lah mudah kita nak rancang program-program yang seterusnya. Akhir sekali, nanti aku akan keluarkan senarai ahli jawatankuasa yang diperlukan. Jadi, korang kenalah aktif menolong aku dan bajet jangkaan ni adalah belum tetap lagi, harap-harap tak lebih, tapi kalau kurang lebih baik. Manusia hanyalah mampu merancang tetapi hanyalah Allah menentukan segala-galanya.’


Mermatabatkan Bahasa Melayu

Di Malaysia bahasa Melayu merupakan teras pengunaan dan perkembangan Bahasa Malaysia. Umumnya, sejarah bahasa Melayu terbahagi kepada tiga zaman revolusi, iaitu zaman kuno, klasik, dan moden. Kesusasteraan Sanskrit dan pegangan agama Hindu telah mempengaruhi sejarah awal Bahasa Melayu kuno. Tulisan yang digunakan adalah mirip tulisan Tamil. Namun begitu, kedatangan agama Islam di Tanah Melayu melalui pedagang-pedagang Islam telah memulakan revolusi kedua Bahasa Melayu. Peranan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka dalam zaman klasik ini begitu signifikan, apabila menjadikan Bahasa Melayu yang berteraskan kesusasteraan Arab sebagai bahasa rasmi kerajaan dan negara. Manakala, tulisan jawi merupakan tulisan rasmi bahasa Melayu ketika itu.Tindakan ini seterusnya berjaya mermatabatkan bahasa Melayu sehingga menjadi lingua franca seiring dengan perkembangan pelabuhan Melaka sebagai antara pelabuhan entrepot yang terkenal di dunia semasa zaman tersebut. Berbeza dengan kedatangan saudagar-saudagar Arab, kehadiran saudagar-saudagar Barat ke Melaka adalah sebagai penjajah yang membawa tiga matlamat utama, iaitu kekayaan, kemasyuran, dan juga penyebaran agama Kristian. Kehadiran penjajah-penjajah durjana ini merupakan titik mula perkembangan Bahasa Melayu zaman moden yang berteraskan kesusasteraan Inggeris dan menggunakan tulisan rumi sebagai tulisan rasmi.

Ironinya, setelah hampir genap 50 tahun kemerdekaan Malaysia yang hanya tinggal sepurnama lagi, Bahasa Melayu terus dicabar kedaulatannya. Terbaru, istilah Bahasa Melayu telah di tukarkan kembali kepada Bahasa Malaysia biarpun sekian lama termaktub di dalam rang undang- undang Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Fasal 152 yang meletakkan bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Rasmi dan Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia. Perubahan ini di umumkan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada 5 Jun 2007, yang berhujah bahawa istilah Bahasa Melayu lebih bersifat perkauman. Adakah ini menunjukkan bangsa Melayu semakin hilang sifat ketuanannya? Atau sudahkah generasi bangsa Malaysia pasca-kemerdekaan lupa akan sejarah penubuhan negara Malaysia dan kontrak sosial yang dimeterai pada tahun 1956/57?

Namun apa yang pasti, bahasa Melayu bukanlah bahasa kelas ketiga yang menuntut para penuturnya membiarkan bahasa asing dijadikan bahasa ibunda mereka. Ini telah terbukti dengan kehadirannya dalam sejarah linguistik dunia sebagai lingua franca di sekitar kurun ke-14 sehingga awal kurun ke-15. Dalam mermatabatkan bahasa ibunda ini, semua pihak perlu memainkan peranan masing-masing. Tidak perlu ada pihak yang menuding jari terhadap pemodenan dan globalisasi, tetapi apa yang perlu dilihat ialah apakah sumbangan diri terhadap kedaulatan bahasa itu sendiri. Jika dikaji sejarah sesebuah tamadun, bahasa merupakan elemen asas kemajuan tamadun tersebut. Mengambil contoh sejarah tamadun Jepun moden, Bahasa Jepun telah berjaya menjadi teras pemodenan negara matahari tersebut. Ini disebabkan rakyat Jepun mempunyai jati diri yang teguh dalam mempertahankan kedaulatan bahasa itu sendiri biarpun dasar langit terbuka sudah lama bertapak di sana. Begitu juga dengan rakyat di negara ini yang seharusnya menjadi pendukung bahasa kebangsaan. Sekiranya ini berjaya direalisasikan, maka dengan sendirinya bahasa kebangsaan berjaya dimartabatkan.

Selain itu, bahasa Melayu juga telah berjaya menjadi bahasa perpaduan dikalangan rakyat yang terdiri dari pelbagai bangsa dan agama. Keadaan ini sememangnya sudah tidak asing lagi di negara ini, terutamanya apabila kita berada di pejabat-pejabat kerajaan, sekolah-sekolah, kawasan-kawasan reakreasi, ruang-ruang perniagaan dan taman-taman perumahan dimana terdapat intergrasi antara kaum.Walaubagaimanpun, sejak mutakhir ini, integrasi ini kian ketara. Antara sebab berlaku perkara ini ialah kealpaan generasi muda tentang kepentingan integrasi antara kaum dan sejarah Malaysia. Sekiranya perkara ini terus berlaku, setiap kaum akan hanya menggunakan bahasa ibunda masing-masing dan penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan terus dipinggirkan Oleh yang demikian, langkah- langkah yang drastik perlu dilakukan.Umpamanya ialah kerajaan harus menggalakan pertumbuhan bandar-bandar baru yang hanya mempunyai polarisasi kaum yang sekata.

Setiap lapisan masyarakat haruslah memainkan peranan masing-masing dalam mermatabatkan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan. Bermula dengan diri sendiri sebagai unit asas dalam sesebuah masyarakat, seseorang individu itu perlu belajar, faham, serta mengamalkan penggunaan bahasa Melayu yang betul. Khususnya, setiap individu Melayu perlulah menguasai bahasa Melayu dengan sebaik mungkin kerana merekalah yang akan menjadi contoh kepada kaum-kaum lain. Sekiranya, mereka sendiri tidak mahu serta malu untuk menggunakan bahasa Melayu, bagaimana pula kaum lain ingin mengamalkannya? Justeru, setiap individu, terutamanya orang Melayu, perlu berbangga apabila menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan dan hanya golongan yang berfikiran cetek mampu memandang rendah akan kemampuan bahasa ini.

Selain itu, kerajaan perlulah memainkan peranan yang besar sekiranya benar-benar serius untuk mendaulatkan bahasa kebanggsaan. Pihak pemerintah perlulah peka dengan setiap tindakan dan dasar yang digubal. Sebagai contoh untuk menunjukkan tahap keseriusan kerajaan ialah penggunaan nama singkatan pada setiap kementerian. Contohnya, Kementerian Sains dan Teknologi yang menggunakan nama singkatan, MOSTI yang merujuk kepada Ministry of Science and Technology. Sebenarnya perkara-perkara yang sekecil ini tidak perlu dijadikan isu, tetapi kerajaan sepatutnya menunjukkan bahawa mereka adalah barisan hadapan yang memperjuangkan penggunaan bahasa Melayu.

Tambahan lagi, kerajaan perlu mengawal sepenuhnya penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan dalam media massa. Sejak kebelakangan ini, terdapat pihak-pihak tertentu yang semakin berani meminggirkan bahasa Melayu dalam arus media massa mereka dengan memberi alasan dasar langit terbuka kerajaan. Ini tidak seharusnya berlaku kerana setiap kebebasan yang melampau hanya membawa kehancuran dan kemusnahan. Antara isu yang berjaya diketengahkan pencinta-pencinta bahasa Melayu ialah kemampuan sebuah syarikat penyiaran berbayar di negara ini yang tidak menyiarkan rancangan berbahasa Melayu mengikut yang peratusan ditetapkan. Maka, kerajaan yang dipilih rakyat perlu menggubal Akta Penyiaran Negara mengikut perkembangan semasa, bukan hanya bersandarkan akta-akta lama.

Seterusnya, di peringkat pentadbiran daerah, pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) adalah pihak yang bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya dalam memastikan bahasa kebangsaan bukan bahasa kelas ketiga. PBT harus sentiasa peka dengan tahap penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan di daerah masing-masing. Contohnya, pengunaan istilah-istilah bahasa asing pada papan tanda di kedai-kedai, pemberian nama sesebuah taman-taman perumahan dan jalan-jalan baru. Kini, terdapat terlalu banyak pihak yang menamakan kawasan-kawasan perumahan baru yang tidak menggunakan bahasa Melayu. Antaranya, Tycoon Villa di Taiping, Perak. Oleh itu, PBT haruslah bersikap lebih prihatin dalam menangani fenomena yang merisaukan ini.

Walaubagaimanapun, terdapat banyak usaha yang menunjukan kerajaan masih lagi ikhlas dalam memperjuangkan bahasa kebangsaan. Sebagai contoh, sistem pentadbiran kerajaan dan sistem penyiaran kerajaan yang menggunakan sepenuhnya bahasa kebangsaan dalam setiap urusan rasmi.

Kesimpulannya, semua pihak perlu memainkan peranan dan sedar akan peranan yang boleh mereka usahakan. Generasi muda perlu berani memperjuangkan bahasa kebangsaan, seperti menulis makalah-makalah dan mengantar tulisan-tulisan tersebut ke media massa. Setiap apa yang telah berlaku haruslah dijadikan iktibar. Penukaran istilah Bahasa Melayu kepada Bahasa Malaysia merupakan pengorbanan terbesar orang Melayu terhadap perpaduan negaranya dan kaum-kaum lain haruslah menghargai pengorbanan tersebut, seterusnya berusaha bersama-sama mejadikan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan. Maka, apa yang telah berlaku dijadikan iktibar, supaya perkara yang sama tidak berulang lagi.

JULAI 2007

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Five Lessons from the History of Malaysia

The date of 31st August marked a watershed in Malaysia history. At that time, Malaya got its independent from British after 446 years of foreign invasion, started from Portuguese in 1511, Netherlands, Japan’s occupation and lastly British. Since the independence, the new nation has numerous races with different background. In 1963, Malaya accepted the joining of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore to form the federation of Malaysia. But, in 1965 Singapore was expelled from Malaysia after it unable to understand the concept of share and tolerance in Malaysia. Now Malaysia consist thirteen states with three federal territories.

As multi-racial country, surely there are a lot of stories and lessons to be written in the history. The five lessons that are significant in the country history, from Merdeka to the present day are political stability, balanced economy, fair law, culture preservation as well as integration, and diplomatic foreign affairs.

Political stability

Malaysia as a pluralist country is essentially needs to remain political stability towards achieving her mission and vision. Thus the biggest obstacle for Malaysia to become fully developed country by the year 2020 is to remain peaceful and unity in her diversity. But, could the peaceful and united Malaysia become reality, since 44% of the citizens are age below 20 years old and most of them are excluded from historical circumstances? (Hng, 2004,p 165).

The fact is when the country failed to curb the racial polarization, cultivate tolerance that means there are possibilities for the political stability to be diminished. History has proved it. In May 13, 1969, Malaysia faced her worst racial riot. The riot happened mainly between the Malays and Chinese in Kuala Lumpur. On that time, the races as well as the political parties ignored the Merdeka Compact, the racial sensitivities, and tolerance (Hng, 2004, p 103). As the result, it was reported that 196 died, 439 injured, thousands were homeless and hundreds of buildings were damage (Chomber, 1983, p 71).

Therefore, a formula towards a racial harmony is needed. The key factor is tolerance which means the willingness to accept the differences in the diversity. Integration among the races is the way to work out the tolerance in the society and education is the vital system that needs integration in order to nurture the tolerance. Thus, the idea of vision school should be proceed. Every races have to support the idea due to the aim of vision school is ''to foster solidarity among the pupils of the different races and background'' (Ministry of Education, 2006).

In addition, the integration in the population area especially in the new town should be focused. The circumstances which are consist only one race could bring racial polarization. So, it will make the race less sensitive towards other races and could break the solidarity. Ultimately, the integration among races should be the main agenda for the government to remain the political stability in this nation.

Balanced Economy

In a big family, sharing the foods and properties is the best solution to prevent the members from disputing. Akin to Malaysia, a balanced economy can remain harmony in the society. Recently, the Malaysian economic pie is still not well been distributed. However, the circumstance has improved when the New Economic Policy (NEP) was implemented from the year 1970-1990. This affirmative action has two objectives that is eradicating poverty and restructuring the society (EPU, 2006).

The imbalanced equity in Malaysia began in the British colonial era. They applied the dual economic systems which are the traditional and modern economy (Mardiana & Hasmah, 2005, p 210). In fact, the traditional economy is in the rural area, while the modern economy is located in the urban area. This system causes the poverty barrier between the villages’ and towns’ folk, includes the formation of economy classification according to the particular races. For the things to become worst, the rural areas are mostly occupant by the Malays and Bumiputra who is the major. In contrast, the urban areas are primarily live by the Chinese who is descended from immigrants. Hence, the Chinese obtain more opportunity in modern economy sector and able to develop the business skills. Unfortunately, the Malay and Bumiputra opposed different fate. As the result, the economy disparity exists till the presence days. The imbalanced equity could bring tension in the society. This was one of the several factors that cause the racial riot in 1969.

Thus, an affirmative policy which is satisfied for every race is needed towards the establishment of balanced economy. The main aims should be distributed the wealth and eradication poverty without according to the races but classify them in the poverty rate. However, the quota systems that according to races ratio can be apply, in order to balance the nation equity. This system will guaranteed the sharing of nation’s properties, integration in work place, population area and able to nurture solidarity among the races. Mardiana & Hasnah states that, “Place the people in one area will encourage communication and interaction frequently” (2005, p 181). If only one race dominate the economy, while other races endeavor to life, hatred society will be created. So, it is not good for the future development of the country.

Fair law

Malaysia as a nation with multi-races and multi-religions need a fair law to remain peace as well as harmony. Thus, the history of Malaysia law can not be denied in order to establish a fair law towards all races. Islamic law is the original law of this country, since it was first law applied during the reign of Malacca Sultanate. But, the system has changed by adopting more towards British law, when the imperialist conquer this country. Then, after the independence is conformed, the Reid Commission is responsible to form the new constitution for the country ( Mardiana & Hasnah, 2005, p 56 ). This commission has given serious attention on the issues that pertain to all races’ rights. As the result, the special rights of the Bumiputra is preserved with no discrimination towards other races, the official religion is Islam, but other religions is free to profess, the Malay language is the national language, while the freedom of using the other languages is guaranteed and also the citizenship for the new independent country

( Federal Constitution, 2005, p 13, 19, 21-33, 133-136).

Recently, certain parties have denied the federal constitution, including the idea to form Inter-faith Commission (IFC) with the actual objective to revoke the special position of Islam in the constitution ( Pembela, 2006 ). If this happen, another chaos situation will occur again. Islam has strong relation with the major citizen (Mohiyuddin, 2005, p 53 ). Moreover, anybody should not denied the contain of constitution, since the rights of every person is guaranteed.

It is irrational to interrupt the others rights just because to achieve certain interests. The feel of sensitivities and respectful towards each other should have

embodied in the soul of every citizen. So, the media and education system shall play their role to cultivate the sensitivities and respectful. The sensitive issues should be fairly distributed by the media. While, education systems can help to distribute the knowledge and understanding about the constitution as well as the country through the history subject in every stage of learning.

Culture preservation and integration

Cultures play a big role in fostering solidarity. In Malaysia different culture are allowed to be applied, even though the Malays are the major citizens. While, the Malay culture is based on Islam, whilst, the Chinese and Indian are basely on traditional China and traditional Indian respectively. It is tolerance that help Malaysian to understand the outcome of restricted others culture. Mahathir has given an example the practice of tolerance by Malaysians as follows:

The Muslim Malays abhor pork which the Chinese love, while the

Indians do not eat the beef which the Malays love. But somehow we

manage to sit at same table to eat, each sensitive to the sensitivities

of other. (2000, p 35).

Albeit Malaysians today are more tolerance and respect toward others’ culture, which remain the peaceful ambience, the challenges have changed. Malaysia cultures are facing the globalization that makes the world borderless. This new era spread not only the positive impact, but also the negative cultures

Since the globalization cultures are based on freedom as well as hedonism, it opposed the Malaysian culture. The culture of freedom without religions guided will destroy the society. For instance, nowadays, the youths have influenced much with the negative cultures, including black metal and skin head. These cultures make the youths degrade themselves. The generation today is the future leader. So, the effects are just not only for presence days, but also in the long term.

Therefore, could the culture of the society be prevented from the globalization? Exactly it is impossible. Nevertheless, the counter-actions have to be taken. For sure, the government has taken several strategies for the short and long term. In 1971, National Culture Policy has been introduced with the objective to strengthen the nation and country solidarity (EPU, 2006). Otherwise, some legal acts have been legitimated, including censoring the electronic materials that inappropriate with Malaysian culture.

Thus, the culture preservation in Malaysia is important to remain high moral values and directly can decrease the social ill. While, in order to nurture solidarity among inter-races, cultural integration is the recipe.

Diplomatic foreign affairs

Diplomatic foreign affairs help the country to develop well. Now, Malaysia has five Prime Minister who each of them have their own stand toward world order. In Tun Dr. Mahathir era, Malaysia foreign affairs have significant role in the world order. Malaysia had been given the mandates to manage certain world organizations, including organization of Islamic countries (OIC), and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

Now, the challenges have changed due to the uncertainty of the world orders. Terrorism according to the United State of America and the western countries has contributes to the prejudice towards Muslim countries. Actually, terrorism is the propaganda of the U.S. and its alliance, Israel. They have a mission which is to conquer the world. Their mission became real after the tragedy of 9/11, where the WTC ‘was destroyed’ by ‘the hijacking commercial plane.’ This nightmare has been described as the ‘New Pearl Harbor’ (Zikry, 2006, p14). After that U.S. starts it campaign which is ‘War on Terror’. Not enough with invading Iraq and Afghanistan, it gave full supports to the Israel’s terrorism in Palestine. Thus, Malaysia as an Islamic country has clear stand about the issues. One of the policies is the nation does not has any diplomatic action with Israel.

The good diplomatic relations have given Malaysia many benefits. The Malaysia ways to solve any provocation and controversial issues at the world stage at the conference table should be praised. For instance, the confrontation between Malaysia and Indonesia. The Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman has solved it with the diplomatic actions through the United Nation (Rohani, 2003, p 158). As the result, any new war was prevented. In addition, these diplomatic ways, has make Malaysia gains the economy prosperities. This is proved through the active participation of Malaysia in world economic and political communities, especially, ASEAN as well as World Trade Organization (WTO).


Now, the fifty years of nationhood is around the corner. The Malaysia diversity would become more complex in the future with more foreigners interested to be a Malaysians. Thus, the slogan ‘Malaysia Truly Asia’[1] can not be refuted anymore. What has Malaysia achieved today is not only the efforts of the leaders but also from all walks of life. To know the fame of Malaysia, the history should be revived.

In the nutshell, the blueprints of the triumphs are political stability, balanced economy, fair law, culture preservation as well as integration, and diplomatic foreign affairs. Education in every stage of learning is the basic way to work out the blueprints.

aizuddin mohamad noor

December 2006

[1] Tourism Malaysia (2006). About Malaysia. Retrieved December 16,

2006, from